No I didn't do anything wrong, management just didn't like me because I was being trained up to take their job which they didn't like...and I was in probation so they didn't need to have a reason to get rid of me.
The day it happened I did what any person would do, I cried, went home to my parents house and talked it out with them. Applied for 20 jobs, hoping I get an interview for at least one, and then moved on.
My partner can afford the bills on his own for now, so at least we're safe for a month.
After just moving into a new house and starting to pay bills like a real adult, this was NOT the situation I wanted to be in at all.
I sulked around the house for a day and since then, I've felt like leaving that place was the best thing that could have happened to me.
I've been continuing to set up the house, cooking every meal, baking treats, doing multitudes of washing, stripped back and repainted the desk for my sewing room...and I've been the happiest I've been in AGES.
Going straight from one shit employer to another didn't help the happiness factor so this break is just what I needed.
I've had time to get over my sickness, get everything done that I needed to, and I can get started on my costumes for this year while still applying for jobs everyday.
I know this chipper mood won't last when my money disappears, but I figure, why not enjoy it while it lasts :)