Sunday, 16 March 2014

Here comes the depression


Well here it is, the unemployment depression has finally kicked in. Took almost a month but its here. 

Basically I've been applying for jobs nonstop since I was terminated and NOTHING, I haven't even gotten to the interview stage. I can't believe how much this has affected my confidence in every aspect of my life.

Personal: Being unemployed for so long with no glimmer of hope has made me feel useless and putting unfair pressure on my partner to pay all the bills when my savings dries up is killing me. Basically all I feel like doing most of the time is sit around the house. 

Financial: Sure I have a bit in savings, but forget about spending that on costume materials or fun things, I've got to save it for the $600 of bills coming in every fortnight. 

Cosplay: There is a local convention coming up and I'm almost finding myself recycling parts of old costumes just to finish the new ones I'm working on which I've never had to do before. The added pressure of being halfway through costumes and not being able to buy anything isn't helping, especially when I make a big mistake and can't fix it. Lets not even mention the fact that I haven't got my convention tickets yet either. 

It just makes me wonder if employers realise they are fucking someone's life up by firing them? Especially when they don't have a reason to do so. Or at least not one they're sharing.  Also knowing that said employee uprooted their life and moved an hour north for that job only days before. 

I just wish that I could find a job and get out of this funk I've fallen into.